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Університет-провайдер: State University of Trade and Economics

Курс доступний з: 01 січня 2025 р.

Зарахування на курс: twice a year (January, August)

Автори: Oksana TRUBEI PhD in Economics, Associate Professor

Обсяг курсу: 6,0 кредитів ЄКТС

Для кого рекомендовано: for everyone interested in modern methods and tools for systematizing business to enhance its manageability and economic efficiency.

Пререквізити курсу: knowledge of economic terminology, fundamentals of entrepreneurship, business economics, management, marketing, and business planning.

The business engineering course covers:
• general principles of the engineering approach to creating and managing businesses;
• peculiarities of developing (generating) a business idea;
• algorithms and technologies for creating an effective business model for the enterprise;
• formation of a system of business processes within the chosen business model and methods of their optimization.
The course provides specialized knowledge about the concept, opportunities, and tools of engineering.

  • the ability to generate new ideas (creativity)
  • project development and management skills
  • the ability to justify and make effective decisions in the development of socio-economic systems and management of economic entities
  • the ability to apply the knowledge in practical situations
  • proficiency in using information and communication technologies and specialized software

✓ Asynchronous course format (24/7 access)
✓ Bilingual content (Ukrainian and English)
✓ Subtitles
✓ Video playback speed control
✓ Noise suppression
✓ Intuitive design
✓ High contrast
✓ Screen magnifier, font enlargement
✓ Choice of the way of presenting completed tasks (text, audio, video)

Зареєструватись на курс