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Університет-провайдер: Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics

Курс доступний з: 01 січня 2025 р.

Зарахування на курс: twice a year (January, August)

Автори: Olena Plokha PhD in management, associate professor

Обсяг курсу: 6,0 кредитів ЄКТС

Для кого рекомендовано: For anybody interested in advancing entrepreneurship and incorporating innovative approaches into business operations.

Пререквізити курсу: basic knowledge in economics, business and innovation, as well as analytical skills and creative entrepreneurial thinking.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship has a practical orientation and studies
• approaches to the analysis of market conditions and trends, substantiation of marketing strategies and innovation implementation plans;
• approaches to substantiating organizational and production plans for the implementation of innovative solutions;
• methods of determining the economic efficiency of innovations and calculating financial indicators.

  • ability to develop innovative ideas and projects
  • ability to manage the processes of development, implementation and exploitation of innovations, which are complex, unpredictable and require new strategic and team approaches
  • ability to determine the requirements for an innovative project based on market analysis, the needs of interested parties, to develop descriptions of innovative ideas for different target audiences
  • carry out substantiation of innovations by developing marketing, organizational, operational and financial solutions

✓ Asynchronous format (access to the course 24/7)
✓ Bilingual content (Ukrainian and English)
✓ Subtitles
✓ Video playback speed control
✓ Noise suppression
✓ Simple design
✓ High contrast
✓ Screen magnifier, font size increase
✓ Interactive transcriptions
✓ Video with sign language
✓ Choice of presentation method of completed tasks (text, audio, video)

Зареєструватись на курс