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Університет-провайдер: Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics

Курс доступний з: 01 січня 2025 р.

Зарахування на курс: twice a year (January, August)

Автори: Liudmyla Gryzun Doctor of Science in Pedagogy, Professor

Обсяг курсу: 6,0 кредитів ЄКТС

Для кого рекомендовано: for everyone interested in the problems of an inclusive society and the technological means of its development

Пререквізити курсу: knowledge of the main psychological and pedagogical regularities of university educational process

The course TOOLS FOR INCLUSIVE COURSE DESIGN is aimed at studying:
• the basics of creating an inclusive educational environment
• fundamentals and principles of universal design
• technologies and means of implementing principles of universal design for inclusive higher education
• digital tools for the structure design and content creating of inclusive educational courses
The course is the basis for creating a digital educational environment to support inclusive higher education.

  • ability to explain concepts and principles of universal design for inclusive education
  • ability to analyze the psychological basics of the implementation of the principles of universal design when developing inclusive courses
  • ability to justify the choice of ways to implement the principles of universal design for each component of the inclusive course
  • the ability to develop a syllabus and elements of an inclusive course based on universal design principles
  • skills in using appropriate digital tools to implement the principles of universal design in an inclusive online course

✓ Asynchronous course format (24/7 access)
✓ Bilingual content (Ukrainian and English)
✓ Subtitles
✓ Video playback speed control
✓ Noise suppression
✓ Implementation of universal design principles
✓ High contrast
✓ Screen magnifier, font enlargement
✓ Choice of the way of presenting completed tasks (text, audio, video)

Зареєструватись на курс