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Університет-провайдер: Dnipro University of Technology

Курс доступний з: 01 січня 2025 р.

Зарахування на курс: twice a year (January, August)

Автори: Olena CHURIKANOVA Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Обсяг курсу: 6,0 кредитів ЄКТС

Для кого рекомендовано: The course "Startups in the circular economy" will be interesting for entrepreneurs, managers, students, engineers and activists who want to understand how to use innovations to reduce waste and optimize resources in business. Also useful for those interested in green entrepreneurship and the development of a sustainable economy.

Пререквізити курсу: knowledge of economic terminology, basic economic laws

The course "Startups in the circular economy" studies:
• Understanding the principles and concepts of the circular economy, which seeks to maximize the use of resources and reduce waste.
• Study of modern innovative approaches and technologies implemented in startups to achieve circular economy goals.
• Learning the skills of creating and managing a startup focused on the principles of the circular economy.
• Analysis of the impact of circular startups on the economy and society, wi

  • Ability to analyze, evaluate and apply the principles of the circular economy to optimize the use of resources in business.
  • Ability to introduce innovative methods and technologies into startup projects aimed at reducing waste and increasing sustainability.
  • Mastering the key stages of creating and managing a circular startup, including the development of a business model and a strategy for interacting with the market.
  • Ability to evaluate the economic benefits and social impact of circular startups, providing more effective solutions to today's problems.
  • Skills to analyze and solve problems arising in circular startups and develop strategies to overcome challenges in this sector.

✓ Asynchronous format (access to the course 24/7)
✓ Subtitles
✓ Video playback speed control
✓ Noise suppression
✓ Simple design
✓ High contrast
✓ Screen magnifier, font size increase
✓ Interactive transcriptions
✓ Choosing the way to present completed tasks (text, audio, video)

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