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Університет-провайдер: Lviv Polytechnic National University

Курс доступний з: 01 січня 2025 р.

Зарахування на курс: twice a year (January, August)

Автори: Ihor OLEKSIV, Dr.Sci., Prof. Halyna LEMA, PhD in Economics, Assoc. prof.

Обсяг курсу: 4,0 кредитів ЄКТС

Для кого рекомендовано: This course is designed for everyone who is interested in the organizational and economic foundations of the company strategy implementation, systems of motivational, economic, organizational and legal mechanisms of strategic management in international markets, methods of specific strategies development and selection and their composition in the general strategy of the company's development.

Пререквізити курсу: knowledge of economic terminology, basic of entrepreneurship

Strategic management studies:
• Theoretical foundations and applied aspects of strategic management;
• Types of strategies and models of strategic management.
The course is the basis for effective strategic management in conditions of the company's external environment uncertainty on international markets, characteristic of a market economy, a combination of strategic and operational management.

  • Critical understanding of problems in education and/or professional activity and on the border of subject areas.
  • Identify changes in market conditions under the influence of uncertain factors, carry out their comparative analysis, critically evaluate the consequences of produced ideas and adopted decisions in order to forecast the development trend
  • Determine economic strategies of countries and their regional economic priorities, taking into account national economic interests and the security component of economic relations in the context of asymmetric distribution of world resources.
  • Monitoring, analysing, evaluating the activities of global firms (corporations, strategic alliances, consortiums, syndicates, trusts) to identify their competitive positions and advantages.
  • To have knowledge and skills in business communications in the field of international economic relations necessary for professional activity

✓ Asynchronous format (access to the course 24/7)
✓ Bilingual content (Ukrainian and English)
✓ Subtitles
✓ Video playback speed control
✓ Noise suppression
✓ Simple design
✓ High contrast
✓ Screen magnifier, font size increase
✓ Interactive transcriptions
✓ Video with sign language
✓ Choosing the way to present completed tasks (text, audio, video)

Зареєструватись на курс